The job of every lifestyle, beauty and fashion blog is to provide advice for people on how to look better than ever. There are different skin types and even more confusing is the fact that these skin types change with the weather condition. This means that paying attention to your type of skin is very important.However, there are still a lot of common mistakes that people make when it comes to skin care.Talking with people about their skin care routines made me realize that a lot of people make the same mistakes. Let’s look at 5 of the most frequent skin care errors that people make.
#1. Not using the right type of exfoliating cream
Exfoliating is necessary for anyone who wants better skin. However, you should be very careful about the type of exfoliant you use.You must understand that different people have different types of skin. For instance, if you have oily skin, there are special kinds of exfoliating creams for you with the right Ph level. For dry skin, exfoliating creams aren’t so harsh so they don’t rid your skin of all the moisture it has left.Exfoliating every day is bad for our skin as it strips the skin of its natural oils and irritates our face. Dermatologists recommend exfoliating two to three times a week for normal or mixed skin, and once per week for sensitive skin.
#2. Not wearing makeup foundation
A lot of women are used to concealing wrinkles and blemishes on their skin. This works well on scars and brown spots on the face. However, a lot of women that don’t have spots on their faces feel there is no need for this and they should just allow their skin to breathe. The makeup that women use acts as a skin care product too.However, we should pay attention as most of the products include parabens widely used in the cosmetics industry. You can develop hormonal issues in your body if your skin absorbs them, at least on the long run. Therefore, I recommend products made only from organic ingredients. Especially, if you have skin problems, you should avoid the commerce products and opt for DIY products which will improve your skin more than you can imagine.
#3. Not taking sunscreen seriously
You should use sunscreen whether it is in the summer or winter. This is probably one thing that a lot of people forget to include in their daily skincare routine. By the time most people remember, they are already out of the house. You should pay attention to applying sufficient sunscreen on your face.The best way to hydrate your skin after sun exposure is through organic products. Two of the best and most convenient items you can use are Aloe Vera gel and shea butter, these can make miracles for your skin!
#4. Treating blemishes in the wrong manner
Almost every woman experiences blemishes from time to time. However, the way these blemishes are treated needs to be taken care of. When you have blemishes, it is usually because of infections.Specialists recommend applying once per week a mask which helps remove impurities by cleaning the skin and thus reducing acne and blemishes. You can do it yourself at home easily in just a couple of minutes with ingredients that we usually have in our kitchen.There is no need to go overboard once it comes up. Usually, blemishes fade naturally. However, it is important that you use products that are soft on your skin so that they do not leave long time damage.
#5. Not drinking enough water
Water is not seen as a skincare step, but it will contribute to a better and healthier skin. While water is not the only important aspect of the routine each woman should follow, keeping your skin hydrated in combination with a natural skincare routine matters.
I recommend to… DIY your beauty products
While it may take you more time, doing your own beauty and cleaning products at home will both help you save up a considerable amount of money and have a healthier skin than using the usual, conventional products.I recommend you consider these DIY beauty products instead of purchasing them. You need to know that the DIY products you’ll make do not have any preservatives in them, so the expiration date will be maximum 3 months.DeodorantThis can be made easily with only a couple of ingredients like coconut oil, baking soda and shea butter. You can do your own deodorants at home with this simple recipe.Body scrubEasily made with salt or sugar! A DIY body scrub will cost you less than $1 with ingredients you have in your kitchen. The option of body scrubs recipes is large and you can find some of them here.Face cleansingNatural oil cleansing will make your skin glow compared with soaps or products we can usually find in stores. Plenty of recipes can be found online per your type of skin.For more recipes, check out these posts on the Mademoiselle Organic blog and if you are serious about DIY, you may be interested in this online course for beginners.
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About the author Lisa Haiden
I am stubborn and optimistic and I want to live my life to the fullest and learn every day something new. I am very interested in healthy living and efficient skin care solutions as I consider the way you look influences the way you feel and makes your journey through life more beautiful. I am fascinated about how skin care products can make you look better and younger, so I love writing about it on my blog: naturalskincaresolution.comOther interests: fitness, DIY, traveling, hitchhikingLearn how to make your own skincare – Click the below image for a FREE Introduction to DIY Skincare

Disclaimer: I was not financially compensated for this post. I do not endorse opinions, advice or any information given by guest writers and interviewees. They are completely their own. For information on how to use this site, please read my Blog Policy page.
Useful post about skin care mistakes, It’s best to learn from other’s mistakes than to feel the urge to commit one by oneself & then think of learning. I think we’ve all made some of these mistakes to some degree or another.