This policy also applies to all Mademoiselle Organic courses, including those available on the teachable platform.

Community posting guidelines on the blog, online courses and social media

Mademoiselle Organic is a blog open to all, no matter your origin, gender or religion.

While you’re on the blog or studying courses, please respect the people you encounter, as well as their opinions. You are free to disagree, state your own opinion and provide critical feedback, but please keep it respectful. Please respect other members’ beliefs, and consider your impact on others when making your contribution. If you can’t conduct yourself in a respectful manner, I reserve the right to remove comments.

Disclosure policy

I always disclose if products were gifted or purchased for review. I only write about products that I have tested and researched, and I provide an independent opinion which covers both pros and cons.

Occasionally, I include affiliate links to the products reviewed or featured. If someone makes a purchase from that link, I receive a small commission. These commissions help pay for hosting fees, site upgrades and blogging tools, such as file storage and photo editors. Not all product links are affiliate links.

Please note that I make no warranties as to the effectiveness or quality of any product. Reviews are based on personal experience and personal opinion. Individual user’s opinion may vary. Others may experience different results or have different experiences with the same products.

All content provided on this blog or in courses is for informational purposes only. Any recommendations or information provided should also not be used as a substitute for advice by a trained professional. Please exercise wisdom, caution and restraint in following any of the tips, advice and reviews contained herein as all recommendations, tips, advice are given without any guarantee on my part. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on the blog, in courses, or found by following any link on this site and on the teachable platform. I disclaim any liability resulting from the recommendations, reviews and information on the blog or in courses. I will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

Privacy policy

I do not share personal information with third parties nor do I store any information about your visit to the blog or courses other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings.


I appreciate that some of you find my articles and courses interesting and wish to share them with your friends on forums and discussion boards. There are many ways you can share but copying is not the right way to do it! There are social media sharing buttons on every article for your convenience!

Please note that all material on Mademoiselle Organic and in my courses is copyrighted. However, you are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work as an excerpt or under fair use (not exceeding 10%), and to make derivative works under the following conditions:

  • You may not use the work on this blog or my courses for commercial purposes without my explicit permission. Commercial purposes include blogs which derive income from google adsense, textlink ads, paid posts and affiliate links. Excerpts are permitted if the work is attributed, with a link to the blog/course or entry and NOT a replacement for content.
  • Use of feeds from this site are strictly for non-commercial purposes.
  • Fair Use of this blog and my courses includes use of excerpts with attribution. A fair use excerpt is considered not to exceed approximately 10% of the post or a particular lecture content, with an attributing link to the original content. Fair Use does not include permission on blogs designated inappropriate by the copyright holder.
  • Requests for translation of any content on this blog or courses, exceeding Fair Use excerpts as outlined above, is not permitted. You may only translate an excerpt with a link back to the original article.

I am not responsible for republished content from this blog or courses on other blogs or websites without my permission.

These policies are subject to change at anytime and without notice.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me: [email protected]