Vegan-friendly tattooing is becoming more and more popular around the world. If you are looking for a vegan-friendly experience, there are a few things you need to keep in mind…How to find the best vegan tattoo aftercare

Vegan-friendly ink

Many products used for tattooing do contain traces of animal products.

  • The inks: you need to make sure that the Glycerin in the ink is sourced from vegetables and not animals. The Glycerin is used as a stabilizer.
  • The black Ink: the black ink contains Shellac. This is a by-product which comes from the secretion of some types of beetles.
  • The Green Ink: contains a product called Indigotin 1. This is a pigment extracted from a particular type of snail.

Before you get your tattoo, make sure that the ink does not contain any of these products. Make sure that the ink is cruelty-free.use vegan friendly ink

The importance of aftercare

As a skincare therapist, I cannot stress aftercare enough. Tattooing is causing trauma to the skin and without treating the skin, you can get infections that can ruin the look of your tattoo as well as damage your skin to a point where you need surgery to help fix the problem and infection.You need to keep in mind, that if the responsibility for the design and execution is in the hands of the tattoo artist, the good results of your tattoo depends very much on how the tattooed skin is helped in the healing process.The healing period is about 20 days but this is dependent on the size of the tattoo, location, the technique used, the type of skin and how much attention you put into the healing process.Your tattoo process is not complete without a full aftercare routine. Please listen to your tattoo artist on how to heal your tattoo and prevent infections.A lot of aftercare products contain beeswax and other traces of animal products. Please check the ingredients before you apply it to your skin.There are brands of tattoo ointments that do not use lanolin (which is secreted from the sebaceous glands of sheep and is made to lubricate the sheep’s skin) but instead beeswax, which most vegans would tell you is also not cruelty-free. Luckily, there are vegan aftercare brands out there that guarantee to aid in the healing process of a tattoo with the same quality as their non-vegan competitors while being 100% cruelty-free. Another option is to learn how to make your own balms and aftercare products using natural ingredients that are vegan and organic.Make your own skincare online course

Vegan-friendly aftercare tips

  1. The cling film should be used for the first 3 days. It does not allow your skin to breathe which means dirt cannot clog your pores.
  2. Infections occur when there is dirt. You need to wash the tattooed skin frequently to prevent infections.
  3. The new tattoo is an open wound. The wound needs protection to avoid infections.
  4. The new tattoo can cause swelling and pain. It helps if you apply an anti-inflammatory and decongestant topical cream. You can find these creams at a pharmacy or from the tattoo parlour.
  5. You have to prevent the skin from drying out and hardening. Make sure that you apply a moisturiser often so that your skin does not dry out.

Vegan friendly aftercare tips

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera Gel is one of the best kept secrets when it comes to healing a tattooed skin quickly. It keeps your skin hydrated so that it does not dry out. Aloe Vera has healing properties. This means that it will heal the skin quicker, prevents infections as well as helps with the swelling.Aloe Vera is very smoothing on the skin and keeps the skin cool. It also helps prevent the skin from getting itchy. Best part about this product is the fact that it is Vegan-Friendly.You can buy the gel from any health shop or local pharmacy. If you can find an Aloe plant, break off one of the leaves, remove the alloin, and place the gel directly on the skin. This is the most natural way to apply Aloe Vera Gel.DIY Beauty Made Easy Instant Recipes Workshop

Helpful tips

  • Listen to the instructions the tattoo artist gives you.
  • Do not be scared to ask questions. Ask to see that the products do not contain animal traces and any other questions you might have.
  • Please have patience. The healing process of the skin is delicate and needs careful attention. It may take you a few minutes but make sure you do each step of the aftercare routine properly and with care.
  • When you wash the tattooed skin, use your hands to place water onto the skin. The high powered jets of taps can cause damage to the skin.
  • Avoid swimming in the sea for the first 3 weeks.
  • After you have exercised, please make sure that you wash the tattooed skin to ensure that sweat and bacteria do not infect your skin. This will prevent infection.
  • Try avoid direct sunlight on the tattooed area. If you are going to be in the sun, protect the skin with an SPF cream. The sun can harm the skin by irritating the skin and cause infections. Direct sunlight can also cause damage to the colour pigments of the tattoo.
  • Always read the labels of aftercare products carefully. If you are not sure about the ingredients, research where they come from or call the manufactures to find out more.

Tattoos are becoming more and more socially accepted. People are not losing their jobs because they have a tattoo. Being vegan is more than just not eating meat or animal products. It is also about not using animal products on your skin and in your daily lives.Society is becoming more aware of animal cruelty and this has resulted in the tattooing industry to take a turn for the better. They are slowly moving away from ingredients that come from animals and are using plant-based products more. The results are still the same however, you can go to sleep knowing that no living creature was harmed.Caring for a tattoo can be done the cruelty free-way.

Author BioSally Mitchell began her career as a makeup artist, and after receiving a diploma in Clinical Dermatology decided to combine her passions for makeup artistry and skin care becoming a licensed beauty professional. Now she shares the latest cutting-edge skin care treatments with readers of Lumeskin. Find her on: Twitter Pinterest

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1 thoughts on “How to find the best vegan tattoo aftercare

  1. Louisa says:

    Great post Sally, I really love what you have written there. It’s an unusual topic and industry is really lacking on this information. Fantastic approach.

    Preventing infection is the most important thing to focus on after getting a tattoo

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