On the first day of January, it’s time to set resolutions for the new year ? Here are 4 ideas to help you focus on improving your health and well-being in 2017.

1. Use organic skincare or make your own
In a previous blog post, I’ve explained why “natural” skincare (non-organic) can be very similar to conventional products, and why, only by using organic skincare, or making your own, can you be sure that ingredients in your products are actually natural and not synthetic.

If you find organic skincare expensive, then making your own products may be a good option as it’s often cheaper and very easy. Check out this article for a list of pros and cons to help you decide if this is right for you ^^

New Year Resolution #1: I will use organic skincare or make my own

2. Use organic cotton sanitary pads
Conventional pads can contain plastics and they are often bleached white, a process that can produce dioxins, some of the most potent synthetic cancer-causing agents yet tested by the US Environmental Protection Agency. There are a few organic cotton brands available (such as TOM Organic in Australia), but I recommend trying the washable sanitary pads of Hannahpad. They are really comfortable, good for the environment and totally leak-proof!

New Year Resolution #2: I will use organic cotton sanitary pads.

3. Join the Japanese beauty trend
The Japanese take Beauty very seriously and they use some of the best products and ingredients on the market. Try using a Konjac sponge to cleanse your face, or add matcha green tea to your homemade night cream, your skin will love it!

New Year Resolution #3: I will join the Japanese beauty trend ^^

4. Love yourself and embrace your difference
A lot of the pain we human beings feel come from being disappointed in ourselves: “I’m not smart enough”, “not pretty enough”, “not rich enough”…
It is important to realise that, for centuries, our ideals of success, beauty or even happiness, have been modeled around what was scarce and rare… what could almost never be achieved. Advertising from many big brands makes you believe that you can buy that, and the more money you’ll spend, the closer to your dream you’ll be. But this is like a mirage in the desert: when you get close to it, there’s a lot of emptiness to be found, and another mirage ready to appear.
Don’t chase mirages. Love yourself, see yourself through gentle eyes, and embrace that you are different and unique. No money can get you that, only love can.

New Year Resolution #4: I will love myself and embrace my difference

Have a beautiful 2017. I wish you health, love and hapiness for the new year. Smile, you’re beautiful! ?


With love,


Make your own skincare! Click the below image for a FREE online course to get started

Make your own skincare free course

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